Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Glory-ous Greens

What did Jo bring to the reunion?

"I brought a bucket of twice baked potato salad that was never opened--"I threw it in the garbage yesterday"--and turnip greens.

My greens recipe is VERY,VERY, SECRET so don't tell anyone.

I bought 6 cans of "Glory seasoned turnip green" from Wal-Mart, Cooked them on low about an hour with salt meat from Kroger, froze them and took them to the reunion where I defrosted them and left them in a pot. That made it look like I had just cooked them. I think they were a hit. We love them and eat them often."

And I heard more than one person say that was the best greens they had ever eaten. So know you know the secret. Don't tell.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That was me! That was me! I really liked the greens! Now, I know the recipe! Yea!